V. V. Vereshchagin: literary-artistic
cartographyof life and work
If the 19th century ever had a prophet, that was the Russian artist Vereshchagin.
From the English newspaper «Christian», dated December, the 2nd, 1887.
Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin
The name of Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin, a great artist and our countryman is often met in Cherepovets. In the city there is the Memorial house-museum of the Vereshchagin, Vereshchagin street, the monument to the famous artist, Vereshchagin square. Cherepovets regional college of arts and art crafts named after V.V. Vereshchagin and The city’s Central library are called after him.
Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin (October 14 (26), 1842 – March 31 (April 13), 1904) is the greatest Russian artist of the second part of the 19th century who stands out of all the art movements and schools; according to Aleksandr Benois, he is «the most popular personality in the Russian art not only in Russia, but all over the world at one point».
Besides art, V.V. Vereshchagin went in for literary activity. He wrote narratives, essays, memoirs, travel notes, publicist articles.
It was a person of a curious fate. He was born in a district town of Cherepovets, Novgorodskaya province (now Cherepovets is a part of Vologda region). The parents of the promising artist seemed to foredoom his further life in the early childhood: they sent him to study the Naval cadet corps in St. Petersburg. However, V.V. Vereshchagin did his own way. He decided by himself where he should study, what to do, where and how to live, how to communicate with the powers.
He had his independent opinion, based on his own observation and experience and received during the far and hard expeditions too: «I remember pondering and thinking a lot at sea, then while travelling along the deserts and gorges of the mountains». The life of V.V. Vereshchagin was a great travel. He visited all the continents, except for Australia and Antarctica, he studied far-away countries and the Russian North, he lived in European capitals and in hardly accessible places. The artist draw what he had seen in these travels. The genre range of V.V. Vereshchagin was sketches and etudes, plot compositions, nature and architecture landscapes, portraits. In his works he reflected the world in a very realistic, precise way and reached omnitemporal generalization. The artist’s realism is not impartial photographic accurateness, the artist, for sure, expressed his attitude to what he drew. According to V.V. Vereshchagin, «the most strict dealing with all the details of creativity does not exclude the ideas, but contains them».
Time passes, historic events go away with it into the past. The artist’s works let the next generations – you and us - see this past. His works make us start thinking about the good and the evil, truth and patriotism, about the fact that the world is very various, but the man’s life is valuable and fragile. While observing the pictures of the artist, reading his literary works, every person may make his own discovery of V.V. Vereshchagin.
Cartography of the life
and work of V. V. Vereshchagin
The Balkans. The Balkan series of paintings
MoreБреславль (Вроцлав)
MoreВильно (Вильнюс)
MoreГельсингфорс (Хельсинки)
India. Indian series of paintings.
MoreThe Caucasus
MoreThe Crimea
MoreMoscow. A series of paintings “Napoleon I in Russia”
MoreTraveling around Russia
MoreРевель (Таллинн)
MoreRussian North
MoreSyria and Palestine. Paintings on Evangelical Subjects
MoreTurkestan. Turkestan series of paintings
MoreThe Study at the Workshop of the Artist J. L. Jérôme.
MoreФиладельфия, Сент-Луис, Вашингтон, Бостон
MorePhilippines, USA, Cuba
MoreХристиания (Осло)
MoreTsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg, Siverskaia
MoreЮрьев (Тарту)
Japan. Japanese series of paintings
1869 –1870 гг., дерево, бумага, масло, 41 х 32,1
Ивановский областной художественный музей
Повозка богатых людей в Дели.
1875 г., холст, масло, 28,5 x 41,1; в раме: 64,5 x 77 x 14,5 (дублировочный холст); 26,6 х 39,7 (авторский холст)
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Библейский сюжет.
1883 г., дерево, масло, 25 х 41
Нижегородский государственный художественный музей
Тамерлановы ворота.
1869 –1871 гг., холст, масло, 39 х 26
Государственный музей изобразительных искусств Республики Татарстан
Конец XIX в. Холст на картоне, масло, 17 × 27
Мавзолей Гур-Эмир. Самарканд.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, масло, 36,8 х 27
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
В Туркестане.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, масло, 27 х 21
Пензенская областная картинная галерея имени К. А. Савицкого
Храм в Никко.
1903 г., холст, масло, 45,7х60,8 см
Новгородский музей-заповедник, Великий Новгород
Проход Барскаун.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, масло, 26,8 х 36,1
Астраханская картинная галерея имени П. М. Догадина
Бурлак. Этюд.
Около 1866. Холст на картоне, масло, 33 х 24
Государственный Русский музей
Из книги: Булгаков Ф. И. В. В. Верещагин и его произведения : иллюстрированное издание. Санкт-Петербург : Типография А. С. Суворина, 1905
Женщина племени солонов.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, масло, 28,2 x 24,5; в раме: 50 x 45,7
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Мавзолей Шахи-Зинда в Самарканде.
1869-1870 гг., холст, масло, 26,8 x 36,6; авторский холст: 26 х 35,7
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Садовая калитка в Чугучаке.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, наклеенный на холст, масло, 36,5 x 27,5; 35,7 х 25,6 (авт. холст)
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Жители западного Тибета.
1875 г., холст, наклеенный на холст, масло, 28 x 18,6; 36 х 27,4 (авторский холст)
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Тибетский лама.
1874–1876 гг., дерево, масло
Дальневосточный художественный музей (г. Хабаровск)
В Иерусалиме. Царские гробницы.
1884 г., холст, масло, 199 х 149
Государственный Русский музей
Северная Двина.
1894, холст, масло, 14 х 15,5
Вологодская областная картинная галерея
Ледник по дороге из Кашмира в Ладак.
1875 г., холст, дублированный на холст, масло, 42 x 28,6; 38,3 х 26,6 – авторский холст
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Ворота около Кутуб-Минара. Старый Дели.
1875 г., холст, масло, 36,5 x 28,6; в раме: 71 х 62,5
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Апофеоз войны.
1871 г., холст, масло, 127 x 197; в раме: 174,3 x 244,2 x22,5
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Медресе Шир-Дор на площади Регистан в Самарканде.
1869 – 1870 гг., холст, масло, 27,3 x 36,7
Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Забытый. Фототипия
Картина уничтожена художником после обвинений некоторых официальных лиц в клевете на русскую армию, которая-де не оставляет своих убитых
1874–1876 гг., холст, масло, 25 х 30 см
Переславский музей-заповедник